Book in Six.

A six-month calendar to take you from blank page to finished book — in 20 minutes a day.

What if you could write the book you've been dreaming about for years, using the time you ALREADY have?

With Book in Six, you get six months of daily action items. Most take only twenty minutes (or less).
In six months, you'll have a book of 50,000 words.

Tell me if this sounds like you...

You've wanted to write a book for years, but you're convinced you don't have the time.
You think: “If only I could see HOW it's done, step by step. If someone would just tell me what to do!”
With Book in Six, that's what you get. Daily action items that tell you exactly what to do to go from idea to book.
In six months, you can become the author you've always dreamt of being. Book in Six shows you how.

Book in Six is...

- A six-month, 26-week, 183-day calendar with daily items that will take you from blank page to finished book.
- Full of all my best advice on tough things like…

- Choosing your book idea
- How to outline your book
- How to structure each chapter
- How to name your book
- Persevering when the going gets tough
- Inhabiting the author mindset
- Editing and style.

With Book in Six, I'm coaching you through the entire book-writing process—at a fraction of what I charge my one-on-one clients.

I get it.
You've been wanting to write a book for years, but you have no idea where to start.

You're sure you don't have time to write a book...and you're afraid you may not have the skill, either.Imagine if someone could give you daily action items to draw out the book in your head—and get it on paper.Imagine having a style and editing guide, to refer to whenever you need to write anything...a tool to build your writing confidence forevermore.Imagine you, writing your book, so happy that you're finally doing what's been in your heart for years.

Imagine you in six months: book complete.
You did it. You're an author.
Act on your dream TODAY.

My name is Jennifer Locke.

I’ve been writing books for the better part of a decade.I’ve coached dozens of aspiring authors to write the books of their hearts.I've helped clients land book deals with Big Five publishers.And I've seen it time and time again...People want to write books, but they don't know how to fit the job into their busy lives.They want to SEE how book-writing will fit on their calendar. Aspiring authors want a play-by-play that goes through each step of the process.If they just had that, these aspiring authors would have the confidence they need to plunge in.That's why I created Book in Six.When you purchase, you get an INSTANT win—the book-writing process at a glance, laid out before you in exacting detail.

Pick a day: start. Follow the prompts. Write your book.It's that simple.

Book in Six:
A six-month calendar to take you from blank page to finished book in 20 minutes a day.

- Broken up into 26 weeks, 183 days. Start anytime.
- Me coaching you through the ENTIRE book-writing process.
- Jam-packed with my best tips on…

  • Choosing your book idea

  • Making your book outline

  • Structuring your chapters

  • Naming your book

  • Writing for maximum impact

  • Editing

  • The publishing process...and much more!

The value of this set of resources is worth at least $147.
But you can get Book in Six for only $47—plus these bonuses...

Naming Your Book

A training that will help you pick an irresistible book title that will make buyers stop in the bookstore aisle.
Value: $37

Master Your Mindset

A training to help you reframe your limiting beliefs and claim your new role of author.
Value: $37

50 Prompts to Get You Writing Now

The best books are made up of stories. How do you choose your best ones?
50 Prompts to Get You Writing Now will spur your creativity and help you identify your most resonant stories, some of which will find their way into your book.
Value: $27

Total Value of Book in Six + Bonuses: $128
But you can get this offer for only $47.

Still have questions...?

Why six months to write a book? Why not one month?

Six months is a container of time that is both spacious and tight. Here's the truth: people who try to write a book in a month or eight weeks fail more often than not.Writing books is difficult. It just is! Even for people who do it a lot! There's no getting around putting in the elbow grease: spending a good amount of time developing your book idea, outlining, and then doing the steady work of writing each day.

Why not one year?

A year is too spacious. Give yourself too much time, and it's super easy to let one month slide...then two, then three...and then you're back to dreaming about your book instead of writing it.

What if I miss a day? Can I get back on track?

Absolutely! There are 'rest days' built into Book in Six, once a week. Use that day to catch up on sleep...OR, to meet your word count if you're falling behind for the week. (I won't tell.)

What if I want to write MORE than twenty minutes a day?

Go for it. The schedule I've outlined is for writing 20 minutes a day, approximately 394 words. I also outline some alternate schedules if you'd like to write more.The end result is the same: a 50,000 word book in six months. You can use the schedule I recommend, or choose your own adventure.

Will this help me decide on my book idea?

YES! Figuring out what to write is the hardest part of your book (really). That's why Book in Six devotes a whole month to helping you figure out your book idea.Audience + message = book. Get clear on your audience, refine your message. Book in Six walks you through that process. Finding your book idea with the most energy behind it is SUPER important. Not only will you be writing the book for six months—you'll then be promoting it, talking about your book for (potentially) years to come.We don't skimp over identifying and refining your book idea. In fact, all of Month One is devoted to just that.

Wait a minute: you mean I'm not actually writing the book every day?

Yep! Remember those rest days I mentioned? And also month one, when you identify the book idea?Most of the days, you're writing. But the "discovery" work is part of the writing process, too. So is resting!With Book in Six, the writing is the easiest part, because the calendar coaches you through the prep work necessary to get to your first draft.

What if I'm torn between two book ideas?

Then you're in good company. Most people are torn between two (or more!) ideas. Book in Six will help you identify the one that gets you most excited.

Will Book in Six help me do other types of writing?

Yes! Because of all the style and editing advice I provide here, Book in Six can help you, even if your biggest goal right now is crafting an email to your boss.

I want to write fiction. Can Book in Six help me?

Book in Six is geared toward people who want to write nonfiction, so the resource helps authors develop nonfiction ideas rather than characters, plot points, and the like.Having said that, I believe Book in Six can absolutely help those who want to write fiction. There's so much in here that is helpful for ANY writer—about editing, style, publishing, book-naming, the author mindset...and much, much more.If you want insight into the writing process and a roadmap for how a book gets written, Book in Six can help you.

Who is this for?

Coaches, Consultants, and Thought Leaders.

If 'write a book' has been on your 'do it' list for a while now, you NEED this. Book in Six will help you identify the book idea that will be irresistible to your audience. You'll position yourself as an expert and draw in business...but only the type of business you really want.

The 'I Don't Have Time!' Aspiring Author.

You need commitment, not lots of time, to write a book. Books get written in the cracks of your day—before the kids wake up, after dinner and bedtime, in the carpool line, etc. That's why most action items in Book in Six take 20 minutes or less.I KNOW you don't have enough time. The good news? You don't need it. Book in Six will show you how to write a book using the time you already have.

The 'Too Many Ideas' Aspiring Author.

I get it! You're in a boat with a lot of other people. Don't let analysis paralysis stymie your book dreams. Book in Six will help you identify the idea you're most excited about...AND, it will help you develop that idea into a full-fledged book, and guide you through the writing process.

How does this work?

Step 1:

Book in Six.

Step 2:

Study the calendar and the additional trainings as you need them.

Step 3:

Pick a day, any day. Start your book.

Because I've overloaded this thing with value (and I could sell it for much, much more!), I will not offer refunds for Book in Six.

Imagine. In six months, you could have already written the book you've been dreaming of writing for years.

You could have an asset that will become not only a new revenue stream, but a part of your legacy.You could brand yourself as an 'author' and see what doors your book will open for you.You could take your place among your author heros.You could start dreaming about your next book. ;)

Get Book in Six today!

Book in Six

A six-month calendar to take you from blank page to finished book—in 20 minutes a day.

With Book in Six, you get six months of daily action items.
Most take only twenty minutes (or less). In six months, you'll have a book of 50,000 words.

Act now and get Book in Six—plus the three bonuses
—for just $47.

Get Book in Six NOW

Once you've signed up with your name and email, you'll be taken through to a secure payment gateway.
Then, you'll get Book in Six and be all set to start writing your book.

© Jennifer Locke Writes. All rights reserved.

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If you have any problems with accessing the content, please reach out to me at [email protected].

Let me know how you're progressing over the next six months by tagging me on Instagram and using the hashtag #bookinsix.

SPECIAL OFFER: Would you like to add Publishing Power Hour to your purchase for only $37?

Want to learn about the world of publishing so you can talk like an insider and discern the best way to get your book in the hands of readers?Gain access to my short but punchy training, Publishing Power Hour, and learn how to turn your manuscript into a book.No advanced degree in publishing required. Traditional publishing, hybrid publishing, self publishing—I give you the lowdown on each so you can choose your best path. You can’t buy this from me anywhere else!

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SPECIAL OFFER: Would you like to add Publishing Power Hour to your purchase for only $37?

Want to learn about the world of publishing so you can talk like an insider and discern the best way to get your book in the hands of readers?Gain access to my short but punchy training, Publishing Power Hour, and learn how to turn your manuscript into a book.No advanced degree in publishing required. Traditional publishing, hybrid publishing, self publishing—I give you the lowdown on each so you can choose your best path. You can’t buy this from me anywhere else!

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Then start writing your book.